children, mommyhood


We hosted a low-key cook-out. My in-laws joined us as well as my friend from down the street. As the evening was winding down, I set T.Puzzle, Full Speed and their friend, Miss Cutie, up with a Hotwheels DVD in our upstairs loft so the remaining adults could enjoy dessert uninterrupted. Now Miss Cutie is a very laid-back gal but on occasion she can get herself into unintentional trouble (where as with my guys, the trouble is always intentional). So, I left Full Speed ‘in charge’ and he was to yell downstairs if Miss Cutie left the couch.

We were in the process of finishing up our desserts when we hear a loud, desperate yell from Full Speed. It sounded like something awful had happened. Her mom and I leap to our feet and race upstairs. Would we find Miss Cutie poised to jump off a bookshelf? Would she be dangling from the ceiling fan? What would we find?

Turns out all that happened was a snag in the DVD and it had froze. I look at Full Speed and said, “What did you do?”

“Nuffing! Nuffing! I swear. We were all seated SAFELY on the couch and it stopped.”

Somehow the word safely and the boys just don’t mix. I then safely turned off the movie and we all headed downstairs together.

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