humor, motherhood

Any Day Now

There are two important characteristics to look for in friendship.  The first being pool ownership.  The second, and most critical, is this friend allows you full use of their pool if they have to travel.

Let’s just say, I have some of the best friends in all of Texas.


The key to surviving any competitive endeavor in this family whether pool related or not, is to make sure Mad Dog is always on your team.  He is a natural-born strategist and the king of trash talk.  However, the boys having learned from the best, are now able to verbally spar on his level.

It’s a whole lot of nonsense if you ask me, but apparently the secret ‘man-formula’ to showing respect is hurling insults at one another at a top-rate speed.  Full Speed especially enjoys targeting me.  If you were a betting kind of person, you might guess it’s because I am the most reactive of our bunch. I can’t speak to this specifically but I am crying right now as I type this.

Pool volleyball is no exception. Mad Dog and I happened to win our first round of games versus the boys.  We had to work for it.  As we sat around poolside dissecting various aspects of the game, T.Puzzle remained surprisingly unfazed by the loss.  Normally, he would brood and mope leaving the whole outing in ruins because he did not win.

“That means you are growing up, when you can lose and still say you are had a fun day at the pool,” Mad Dog said.

At what age does this happen you may wonder?

Well, Mad Dog is turning forty-nine this year…

I’ll keep you posted.



children, humor, kids, motherhood, parenting

Camp Champs

It’s no secret I am coping with summer by having the boys in every variety of camp.  They’ve already been in soccer, basketball and a full-day camp (my personal fave).  This week they’ve headed off to an afternoon Lego camp.  Generally speaking, T.Puzzle has a much more laid-back attitude about camps and life overall.  He’s happy wherever he goes and maintains it.  Full Speed, he’s a little slower to warm up to new camps and ideas.

Out of all the camps, the full day one was the toughest sell for Full Speed.  I’m guessing because they did things that weren’t competitive that it really started to irk him.  He sees no value in singing silly songs or crafting because at the end of it no one ‘wins’.  That’s why when Full Speed won Camper of the Day I was extremely pleased.  Somehow I know for him achieving this accolade made the entire week-long experience worthwhile.

Full Speed shows off his Camper of the Day certificate.
Full Speed shows off his Camper of the Day certificate.

As for T.Puzzle?  He honestly was happy throughout the whole entire thing.  Crafting?  Loved it.  Singing songs?  He could do it all day long and then some.  Swimming?  He is a complete fish in the water.  However, after Full Speed won his Camper of the Day award, I could tell that T.Puzzle was kind of wistful for one of his own.

Full Speed explained in simple terms how to get this honor.  “All you have to do is listen really well and behave all day long and then you’ll get it, T.Puzzle.”

T.Puzzle shook his head defeatedly, “Well, that doesn’t really help me, Full Speed.”

It must have been his great attitude or his awesome dimples because he pulled out Camper of the Day on their very last day.  Who needs perfect behavior when you are this darn cute?


children, family, happiness, humor, kids, motherhood, potty training, self-discovery

Summer Hiatus

I love these guys!

It is time for a break.  Most of my energy, ok, ALL of my energy is going towards keeping up with my boys.  I will return to my twice-weekly posts in a couple of weeks.  I’m going to use this blog-break to regroup and focus more on fun.  I am learning some great lessons this summer.  When it comes to teaching my kids anything, outsourcing is key.  My boys have become fish in a matter of days.  All it took was Mom staying way, far out of the pool (almost in another county), and a fantastic swim instructor.  I wish all my parenting dilemmas could be so easily outsourced.  I’ve also realized spending time with your kids can alter your perspective on life.  Full Speed’s heartfelt declaration that an IHOP breakfast is the best breakfast he’s ever had makes me appreciate my Harvest Nut pancakes on a whole different level.

I may make it through to the start of school after all.