children, motherhood, parenting

Winning to Me

Full Speed had a respectable seventh place finish out of thirty-seven at his school’s bee.  The difference between him participating as a fifth grader and now is unbelievable.  He used to be the smallest, now he is among the tallest.  His voice, the depth of which I found unsettling, held steady as he spouted off each letter.

I no longer saw a boy on that stage.  In his place stood a confident young man.

Leading up to the competition, T.Puzzle and I continued a lively debate.  He believes a person is awesome only if they are winning.  I still hold that awesomeness is static.  Sometimes that expresses as external achievement, but mostly it is comprised of intangibles.  I do not fault T.Puzzle for his perspective.  Our culture exalts individual, external success.  Winning makes sense to him.  I get that.

Maybe Full Speed did not technically win the spelling bee, but from my view he demonstrated what it means to succeed.  He had the nerve to get up on that stage and compete with all eyes of the auditorium zeroed in on him.

I couldn’t do that.

I probably wouldn’t even be able to spell my name right in that situation.

When it was all said and done, he bounced back quickly.  He did not entertain the notion that misspelling a word defines him a person.

That feels like winning to me.




New Year, New You

First of all, don’t go changing on account of the New Year.  You are much too fabulous for that.

Stay you, stay true.

In the midst of our holiday break, which is whizzing by, the boys got new glasses.  This may seem insignificant but it isn’t.  Due to their unique and complex prescriptions, we have sometimes waited up to a year (a year!) to get new glasses made.

These new frames arrived less than a month after we dropped off the prescription. That has never happened in all of our days of taking boys to eye doctors.

Not once.

Keep in mind T.Puzzle started glasses when he was six months old and Full Speed at twenty months:

It’s been a long haul.

The one thing that has remained constant is how incredibly handsome my guys are in their glasses.  I didn’t think they could improve on this, but they did.

I am choosing not to comment on how much older they look in these new frames.

Is denial a viable resolution for the New Year?

If so, I am already crushing it.

Take that 2019!

Here are the before and afters:

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Check out Full Speed’s take on the College Football Playoffs:

Championship Chatter


Already Here


As November amps up and we head at a dangerous clip towards the holiday season, I am taking a moment to count my blessings.  Sure, when I sat down in front of my mighty laptop and writer’s block settled over me, I had no idea where this post would take me.  For inspiration I scrolled through some older WFAMs and thankfully, I found writing that stands the test of time.  Of course, the writer has evolved but the themes like love, self-acceptance and humor are the threads that remain consistent.

My boys are growing older and older and I don’t know what that means for the future.  I don’t know how this blog will unfold as they set about making their way in the world.

What I know for sure is I am so grateful to have them in my life.  I am grateful I have been here to watch them grow into fine, young men and I am grateful to have a husband that supports all of my writing endeavors.

It is quite possible I have reached the pinnacle of good fortune.  Maybe this is where I stop trying so hard to be ‘more’ and simply savor the blessings already here.


children, dogs, family, motherhood

Always, Always

fullsizeoutput_ddLittle Guy had a tough adjustment to our move.  We have a special formula we (mainly me) follow each day to keep him comfortable and happy.  In addition to his five sets of eye-drops of three medications, we shower him with affection and praise each night before bedtime.  It does not guarantee he will sleep through the night, but it has been proven effective.  There is nothing that warms my heart more than watching Mad Dog make over Little Guy.  It is the sweetest.

Little Guy gets a lot of leeway during the day.  He is allowed to be cranky.  He is allowed to be snippy.  He is allowed to beg and whine for food at the table.

He can do anything he wants.

Most of the time he chooses to nap.  This makes it easy for everyone.

I am surprised at how unquestioning my devotion is to him.  I do not judge him for his cranky missteps.

He has followed me around enough through the five years we’ve had him to earn this loyalty.

He shows me what love can teach us.

Be true, be loyal and you will always, always be loved.

Reminding mom to pack her favorite accessory.


dogs, humor, motherhood

Blaze of Glory

Change is not without challenge.  When you are a senior citizen, this sometimes amplifies your resistance to change.

For the record, I am referring to my senior dog, Little Guy, and not myself.  Yes, I had to clarify as my children are certain I am quite advanced in age.

Little Guy turned fifteen this summer.  He has lived a long, healthy, happy existence and is still enjoying life (well, at least the parts he doesn’t sleep through).  However, with all this change surrounding us, eating was no longer a favorite activity.  He began to reject all forms of meticulously prepared kibble and such.  He preferred treats and began to beg for table scraps.

This went on for many weeks.  He began to lose weight and started to lose some of his zip.

Finally, in a last-ditch effort (yes, the situation was becoming quite dire), I stumbled upon a raw food diet that he adores.  I don’t mind one bit that it’s super fancy.

He’s little.

He’s old.

He can have whatever his heart desires.

Since he began his fancy food, he is a much more content, happy boy.

He loves his life again.

In essence, he is reverting back to his natural heritage of being a carnivorous beast.

He’s going out in a blaze of glory.

Just make sure you heat up his food for twenty seconds in the microwave before you serve him.

He’s not a complete savage for goodness sakes!
