children, family, happiness, humor, kids, motherhood, potty training, self-discovery

Summer Hiatus

I love these guys!

It is time for a break.  Most of my energy, ok, ALL of my energy is going towards keeping up with my boys.  I will return to my twice-weekly posts in a couple of weeks.  I’m going to use this blog-break to regroup and focus more on fun.  I am learning some great lessons this summer.  When it comes to teaching my kids anything, outsourcing is key.  My boys have become fish in a matter of days.  All it took was Mom staying way, far out of the pool (almost in another county), and a fantastic swim instructor.  I wish all my parenting dilemmas could be so easily outsourced.  I’ve also realized spending time with your kids can alter your perspective on life.  Full Speed’s heartfelt declaration that an IHOP breakfast is the best breakfast he’s ever had makes me appreciate my Harvest Nut pancakes on a whole different level.

I may make it through to the start of school after all.

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